Friday, September 19, 2008


Don't we all have these days. I was just sorting my pictures into folders on my computer and came across dress up pics of the girls. Nice butt cheek sweet heart. And she didn't even know. We are mean for even taking the pic but ya gotta laugh!

10 Reasons I love Cystic Fibrosis

10. I get to fart in public and clear a room. (nasty!)
9. I get to do so many treatments that I actually wear out the machines!
8. I get to try to gain weight!
7. My 1st grader is stronger than me and almost as tall.
(It's probably really because she's jut built different.)
6. I get to get a physical every single month with shots and all.
5. I get to pretend to be an astronaut and wear this really cool th-air-apy vest that shakes me.
4. I get to gag on phlegm in public and gross everyone out!
3. I love the taste of a medicine burp!
2. I have a reason to be mean (sometimes) I can just say I'm not feeling well. Everyone buys it!
1. I get offered every single kind of cough drop out there known to man even by little old ladys in motorized carts. (Dumb and Dumber)

NO really I'm not depressed I was just laughing today at a the funny misconceptions and offering of cough drops. I actually had to think of all this stuff it wasn't really on my mind. Love to all the little old ladys that have given me a cough drop in the temple. I'm sure it helps every other cough out there just not CF.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Picture Me, You have to.

So a good friend asked me to post some pictures of me on my blog. I don't know why or anything. As you can tell by the pictures I often don't because this is what I get. I have a bunch of crap that people take of me. I either take them of myself or my kids take them. Even if Andy takes them he zooms in on the kids not me. Go figure. I've got this nice one of me at the ocean above and isn't that a cute pose. Wow maybe I should be a model so I can have some pictures taken of me. NOT. Love you all. Hope this gives you the Becky fix but I'm a little cut off or goofy in everything. I can't win.

Westport, WA

So this was our recent trip to Westport, WA. As you can see we were camping at the beach. We've got the sunset pics, the color daddy with sidewalk chalk and make him an Ogre pics, flying a Dora and Carebears kite pics, building sandcastles and listening to loud music from the bronco pics and laughing and running on the beach pics. Memories I will cherish for a lifetime. This was honesty our best family camp out ever. We all got along, we all helped make it a good time. And we all got sand in our underpants...
Just kidding. Love an kisses to all who read this!

Duck, Duck, Goose!

Look at these babes! Out on the lake fishing in our canoe. We caught 4 trout this trip. This is just one of our fun adventures this summer. I haven't been able to go far from home this summer due to being on the transplant list but this is in our backyard so I guess God does provide a way (to have fun).

We got crabs!

Yep we got crabs! Hermit crabs. Pearl, Forrest and King Crab. We had giraffe princess you can kind of see in the 3rd pic but she died. Oops. I'm new at the crab thing. The girls love them. Andy has to pick them up for us though. We are chicken to touch them. I don't know why I got them! Andy always asks "why?" So I am getting braver to transport them but they always want out of their shells and that is sick so I gross out.